With the First-Ever Grant Application Window Now Closed, the Foundation Prepares to Award Up to $51 Million in 2024

On May 8, 2024, the OneOhio Recovery Foundation held its annual meeting at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce offices in Columbus, marking a significant milestone in Ohio’s fight against the opioid crisis. This year’s meeting was especially meaningful for us at Hope Town Ohio, as our Chief Executive, Ted St. John, had the honor of sharing his inspiring journey from addiction to long-term recovery.

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Chair Don Mason (Region 12) opened the meeting by urging all Board members to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health conditions. This set a tone of compassion and commitment that permeated the proceedings. The response to the grant application process was overwhelming, with more than 1,500 project proposals submitted. Chair Mason acknowledged this challenge, emphasizing the importance of careful deliberation to ensure that the funds are distributed effectively and equitably.

Ted St. John’s presentation was a highlight of the meeting. As the Chief Executive of Hope Town Ohio, a recovery support nonprofit organization based in Portage County, Ted brought both lived and professional experience to the Board, offering a perspective grounded in the realities of addiction and recovery. Reflecting on his experience, Ted said, “Speaking at the OneOhio Recovery Foundation annual meeting was a profound honor. Sharing my journey and seeing the commitment from all regions to combat the opioid crisis reinforces my belief in our collective strength. Together, we can make a significant impact and bring hope to those in recovery.”

The Foundation’s Board of Directors conducted several key actions:

  • Chair Mason reported on Executive Committee actions and activities, including updates on board member terms. He also announced a Board retreat to be held on July 10, immediately following the July Board of Directors meeting.
  • Officers were elected to serve new two-year terms:
    • Don Mason (Region 12) – Chair
    • Julie Ehemann (Region 15) – Vice Chair
    • Michael Roizen (Statewide) – Treasurer
    • Keith Hochadel (Region 6) – Secretary
  • The Grant Oversight Committee and OneOhio staff provided updates on the proposals submitted in the first funding application cycle. A total of 1,530 applications were submitted by 797 organizations, with 48% of proposals seeking to serve multiple OneOhio Regions. Executive Director Alisha Nelson outlined the Expert Panel’s technical review process to ensure evidence-based proposals align with abatement strategies.
  • The Audit & Finance Committee presented an overview of the unaudited 2023 financial statements and new projections of opioid settlement income. Members were also provided a Related-Party Questionnaire as part of the annual financial audit.
  • The Personnel Committee reported on efforts to develop an employee handbook for Foundation staff.
  • The Board approved a finance report from Finance Manager Jim Quinn.

The next meeting of the Board will be held at 10:30 a.m. on June 12, 2024, at the Ohio Chamber of Commerce offices. As always, members of the public and media can access video of all board meetings and related documents at OneOhioFoundation.com/Meetings.

At Hope Town Ohio, we are inspired by the collective efforts and the incredible response from communities across Ohio. We remain dedicated to supporting recovery efforts and hope the grants awarded this year will make a substantial impact. Ted’s involvement with the OneOhio Recovery Foundation highlights our commitment to advancing substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery initiatives, building a healthier and more resilient Ohio.